Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2010
The term countryman it has several references, depending on the context in which it is used.
When you want to refer to a national It is common that the term peasant is used to do so. Juan is my countryman, what a coincidence to meet in that place of the world. His countrymen gave him a tribute.
On the other hand, in the field of River de la Plata (Argentina / Uruguay, mainly) the word peasant is very common used in the sense of that person who was born and raised in the field and who also happens to be very skilled in rural tasks. That is, in the aforementioned places it is used as a synonym of the term gaucho, saying, countryman or gaucho is the same.
The gaucho knew how to be a type of farmer characteristic of the fields of Argentina and Uruguay, which was characterized especially by its skill as a rider and for his work linked to the raising of cattle and all those derived economic activities. Another characteristic was its semi-nomadic existence that proliferated especially between the 18th century and the middle of the following.
On the other hand, in Argentina, at the behest of a use colloquial, the word peasant is used very frequently to refer to that individual belonging to the Jewish community.
Meanwhile, in chili, the term paisano is also used to refer to an individual from a specific community, but unlike what happens in Argentina, in the language Chilean current, when someone refers to a countryman, he will be talking about one who belongs to the Arab or Middle community East in general.
For its part, the expression civilian It is used very frequently in the military and ecclesiastical fields, when some of its members or members are not dressed in uniforms or habits, as appropriate.
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