Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2019
In general, the idea of heat has a better evaluation than the idea of cold. Do not forget that thousands of years ago we invented fire to protect ourselves from low temperatures and that millions of people around the world move looking for temperate zones to enjoy the good weather. In other words, we look for places that make us feel comfortable due to the action of heat.
The term warmth expresses the quality of warmth that something possesses. This word comes from the Latin calidus and literally means "that provides heat".
In the context of human relationships
The hot-cold binomial is also projected in the social relationships. Thus, we say that a person is cold when he is distant and not very communicative. On the contrary, we consider welcoming, kind and caring attitudes warm, since they provide a positive and rewarding reaction.
If we take the tourist phenomenon as a reference, we travel preferably in summer because the sun's rays are stimulating in all
senses and because there are more hours of light than darkness. On the other hand, in areas with a weather benign social relationships are characterized precisely by warmth.Regarding the colors
If we talk about colors, these are divided into cold and warm. The first are those who in their composition incorporate the color blue, such as purple or green (from a perception this range of colors seems to shrink objects). The latter are those that have yellow or red in their composition (this range of colors seem to expand visually).
The qualities that are attributed to the different shades show that colors have their own temperature.
In the home
The sensation of warmth in the home it is basically achieved through the correct use of colors in the furniture and on the walls. In this sense, reds, oranges or yellows project Energy and vitality and, therefore, they project a sensation of warmth.
Logically, warm environments are also achieved with a suitable temperature and with the presence of natural light.
In most civilizations the Sun has been worshiped
From a scientific point of view, the Sun constitutes the main source of energy and, in fact, without solar action, any form of life on Earth would be unviable. It is not surprising that in ancient civilizations we humans had a feeling of worship to the Sun.
The cult of this great star appears in Ancient Egypt, in Rome, in the Inca culture or in the Mexica culture.
Fotolia photos: Dansar / Tatianastulbo
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