Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2011
It understands where one is physically located but also the position, for example ideological, regarding individual beliefs and thoughts, as well as the financial status of the person or the community.
Manner in which a person or thing is placed
To way in which a person or thing is positioned it is called position. “The truth is that I find this position very uncomfortable, I will try to perform the exercise from another.”
Place where a thing or person is located
On the other hand, place in which a person or thing is located, especially within a series, a place, or a certain order, it is also called position. “Martín finished in fourth position, it was a very good performance that he had in this new competence.”
Synonym of location
This concept is frequently used as a synonym for geographic location. Currently there are highly developed systems and technologies to achieve the precise location of a person, a place, or anything else on our planet.
Parallels and meridians are elements that allow you to trace and point out the exact location of someone or something. Air navigation makes extensive and special use of it and it is thanks to this that it can design routes and reach its destination.
Satellites and GPS are very modern technologies that make geographic location easier. The famous GPS were created by the United States Department of Defense to be used at the behest of the military field, but With the passing of time and its great benefits, they were incorporated into people's daily lives to locate and travel safely without getting lost, something that a few decades ago was complex, since it was necessary to resort to paper maps that made it more cumbersome everything.
New technologies and their influence on location
Today, we directly put an address in our GPS, or in the app that many smart cell phones have GPS and we will be able to reach our destination thanks to the map databases that are stored in these applications and devices.
Economic or social situation of someone
Another fairly frequent use of the word position is as synonymous with economic situation or social situation that an individual has in life and in a given society.
The income economic that a person has as a result of her work, or failing that, those material assets that someone inherits from her family like the social position, are the factors determinants of this position that someone occupies. “ Your aunt is in a very good financial position, I don't know why she doesn't travel, she is missing a great opportunity.”
Today's societies are divided into social classes, such division being made with a socio-economic criterion. In the 18th century, this mode of differentiation began to be used, supplanting the rigid estates that came from the Middle Ages and that not only did they prohibit social mobility, something that is now possible, but they were also achieved only by inheritance or birth.
Money and profession are what mark belonging to one class or another: high, medium or low.
Use in physics
Meanwhile, in the field of physical, the position of a particle in space is a vector quantity that is used to account for its location within a certain reference frame; and in a physical system the position will indicate the state or the concrete situation that the system in question presents.
Abuse of dominant position
The abuse of dominant position is a recurring concept within the business context, since in this way it is called a prohibited commercial action because it precisely involves those companies that take advantage of an advantageous situation in the market despite the fact that it is detrimental to its own customers or its direct competitors. An example of this type of action is that of companies that have a high share of the market and that set very high prices taking advantage of the lack or weakness of your competition.
Military: Advantage Point in a Battle
And in the military field the word position also occupies a prominent place, since in this way it designates the fortified or vantage point in battle. “We are all in our positions, now we can go out to track. “
Also, within the military context we find the call war of position, which will be that war that takes place from fronts, mobile or fixed, in which the trench is used, which allows shots to be fired without knowing the position you have.
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