Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jun. 2012
The term cascade is used in the field of geography to designate that natural form in which there is a significant unevenness of the surface on which it is transported or maintained a course of Water. The waterfall is a steep drop in the level of the surface and due to the presence of water (River, lake, glacier, etc.), an effect of the water falling downwards is also visually generated. The waterfall receives that name only when on the land surface a watercourse runs, since otherwise we would be talking about an unevenness in the normal surface.
Perhaps easily recognized for the beauty it generates in visual terms, the waterfall is a very common shape in areas where the terrain is uneven and has many slopes. In general, it is more common in spaces where mountain ranges are present since between the The same mountains can generate slopes that allow the meltwater to generate waterfalls or falls. However, the waterfall or cataract can also be present in areas where there is no
territory irregular but that, due to some movement of the tectonic plates, it lost its regularity and since then presents some type of break. This is the case, for example, of the IguazĂș Falls, located in the border between Argentina and Brazil, since the region is not mountainous but, on the contrary, we can speak of relatively flat terrain.Depending on the force that shows the water course that is located on the surface, the fall of water can be more or less violent. In some cases, the waterfalls are very abundant and powerful, while in other cases they are almost transformed into a small stream of water that remains constant but with very little force. Even in some regions, the training of the waterfall can vary throughout the year if the watercourse disappears or dries up.
In general, waterfalls of any type are places that present an important tourist attraction due to the beauty and majesty of nature. Some of the most famous are the Niagara Falls (between the United States and Canada), the Iguazu Falls, the Angel Falls (in Venezuela, the highest in the world), those of San José de Suaita (in Colombia), the Hannoki (in Japan) and the Jog (in India), among other
Cascade Themes