What is Vodka?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Vodka is a drink that originates from Russia, Slovenia and Poland. It is a distilled beverage, and it is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world. It is made basically of water and ethanol, along with a few minor seasonings. It is generally produced by fermenting grains and other starch-rich plants, such as rye, wheat, beets, or potatoes. The alcohol content of vodka is between 30% and 50% by volume; classic Lithuanian, Russian and Polish vodka contain 40 degrees of alcohol.
This drink was called "water of life" in the Russian case it was said "zhiznennia voda" and its diminutive derived "vodca" which means water ", this word began to be used from the seventeenth century. In the Eastern countries "vodca" is used to designate any high alcohol drink. It should be explained that it has a different meaning in Eastern countries and in Spanish, English or French speaking countries.
There is great controversy, in who originally created the vodka, concentrating between the Russians and the Poles. The original idea was to get the concentration to avoid freezing. Saint Peter Smirnoff popularized the idea of insipid brandy, and it gained wide acceptance due to the great ease of mixing it with any seasoning or extract. It is used today to prepare cocktails, and its inert flavor does not produce boredom, because it is combined with anything.
As a curious fact, vodca or vodka is used, spread on the body to prevent freezing of parts of the body, immediately sheltering from heat.
When juniper berries and some aromatic matters such as ginger, gin is obtained, which in its English version is called gin or the Dutch called schnapps or Geneva.