Definition of Toxic Persons
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in May. 2017
Currently, the concept toxic people is used in a common way in the psychological field. However, it is more constructive to talk about difficult people. Label someone as toxic it may produce the opposite effect as desired. And is that, by pigeonholing people in this way, many people prefer to directly avoid the company of those they consider potentially toxic.
However, what today are known as toxic people is nothing more than having a personality difficult for some reason. And this makes that person have some characteristic of his character that leads him to repeat habitual conflicts with others.
Six types of toxic people
1. The complainer. That person who protests everything. And when there is no apparent reason, he looks for it. He is the eternal unsatisfied. And with his negative speech, he projects a Energy nice little around.
2. The egocentric. That person who lives pending himself and her own ego. It is quite possible that when you meet for a coffee with a
friend who has this personality, you feel deeply alone in that plan because he shows no interest in you. Their conversations are monologues. He just wants to feel heard by you.3. The critic. That person who spends much of his time criticizing third parties, however, has very little ability to reflect on himself. Thus, in the absence of self-criticism, he does not improve those attitudes that make him suffer.
4. The envious. That person who feels sadness for the good of others. Those who suffer from envy give ironic comments and sarcasm to those around.
5. Judge. The one who thinks about your life as if he had the truth of every decision you make. He thinks about your life with very little sensitivity.
6. The victim. That person who adopts the role of victim in a habitual way in her life, positions himself in this way before others with the hope of being saved by someone. Claim attention through compassion constant. It is very possible that if you offer your advice and possible solutions to a person who positions himself in this way, he will tell you that you do not understand him because for you everything is very easy.
How to overcome a toxic attitude
We can all be vulnerable to toxic attitudes at some point. For this reason, it is important to encourage introspection and analyze the blocking point to be able to overcome it. For example, a person who during the last months has had habitual conflicts with several people in her environment may wonder if the problem is in the others or in him.
And once the possible conflict, the first step has been taken to overcome it. Because the capacity of the human being is infinite to create new possibilities in his life. In some cases it is necessary to ask for help and start psychological treatment.
Photos: Fotolia - Aaron Amat / Llhedgehogll
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