Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2014
At the end pigment, in our language, we attribute two fundamental uses to it, one corresponding to the technical plan of the use of color, to designate the substance that is used to color a painting or any other material, and the other job occurs in the context of biology, to indicate more or less the same but in this case the contribution of the pigment tonality is made on the cells getting to define fundamental physical issues such as the color of the eyes, hair and skin of a individual.
So, pigment is a coloring matter, that is, its primary function is to give color to something. This colorant can have a natural origin or, failing that, artificial.
Since ancient times, man has used them for their presence in the natural environment but later with the to run From time to time they began to be produced on large scales in an industrial way.
For example, this sense of the word is widely used as a synonym for other concepts of hyper-extended use, such is the case of color, tint, paint.
Colorants of this type are used in countless areas, although undoubtedly in environments gastronomic and production of edible and drinkable products it is where they are most used for that fantastic possibility of adding a certain color to something.
In the realization of products of bakery, where cakes, muffins and many other delicacies are made, it is super common that we find creams that do not have the typical white color but show other hyper flashy colors such as pink, light blue, fuchsia, green, among many others. This amazing fact is allowed precisely by the colorants that are integrated into the mixture of preparation and that allow giving those tones.
At the behest of sweets, it is also very common that colorants are used to add fantastic colors to some that end up enchanting and attracting the kids.
On the other hand, in the manufacture of clothes, pigments are used since through them color will be added to the garments according to the needs.
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