Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2015
At the behest of the Logistics, the picking, turns out to be an essential activity for the success of the distribution and that consists of from a list of orders for items or products that are sent to a company or company, reaching the location where they are find each one in the warehouse to be reunited and thus respond satisfactorily to the list of orders and proceed to the corresponding delivery to the customers.
If picking did not exist, it would be very difficult for department stores or supermarkets to be able to prepare orders in a compliant manner. When the picking is carried out effectively it adds to the productivity both from the company and from the distribution or logistics process itself.
The aforementioned picking can consist of extracting the products grouped in a box, or failing that, the collection of boxes in which the products are gathered and that they are inside a container.
Meanwhile, to carry out this process it is indispensable have personnel prepared to do so and also with special machines or devices that make the transfer within the storage area easier and faster, and of course the
location of the products by Unit or the boxes in which they are grouped.In order to fulfill this mission then, the picking process has incorporated various elements and technologies. For example, in each position there are usually a kind of lamps that have the purpose of report about the number of units to be removed from the aforementioned position and at the same time The moment in which they have been taken must be informed, buttons and readers are usually available with code of bars to make it easier.
In all this movement the employee In charge of the task, he has a communicator in his ear that guides him in each action, and of course, this makes the process more productive and precise.
As we can see from the above, picking is a process that requires rigorous automation in order to be successful.
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