Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2008
A plan is above all the consequence of an idea, generally and in order to achieve an optimal organization, will take the form of a document written in which this idea will be reflected together with the goals, strategies, tactics, guidelines and policies to be followed in time and space, as well as the instruments, mechanisms and actions that will be used to achieve the proposed ends and that were the motivation of the plan. The resource of writing it on a sheet or typing it on the computer avoid forgetting, losses or other issues that threaten the continuation of the draft.
Meanwhile, the plan is also characterized by its dynamism, since a plan does not turn out to be a static instrument without movement, on the contrary, it will always be aware of and aware of the modifications that are necessary to make depending on the results that are obtained.
It is very common and a tool very useful for future companies, that before becoming such, make use of the so-called business plan to position themselves and see if the
initiative that they propose in the medium and long term. With this, what is done is to avoid unnecessary expenses or waste of time in projects that are capable of not having meaning and most importantly: it allows you to have control of the business you want to do with respect to the much feared failure.In addition, the plan allows its organizers to reflect on the initial idea, look for the best alternatives and shape a speech. coherent that will be the one that finally and if necessary, is the key to the success of the company, because the plan will also act like this, letter of presentation of the same so that in the initial times the investors or the future and possible partners and clients approach.
Between the essential elements that any business plan must contemplate They include: characterizing and differentiating the product or service to be offered, the curriculum of those responsible, including studies and skills of the people who will make up the company, an analysis of the market in which it must compete, the operations it will have, the forecast financial and financing mechanisms.
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