Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Sep. 2015
Closure is the act that closes a congress college or any type of formal event that follows a protocol also formal. In this case, the closing is the closing moment of said act.
The ceremonies of the festivals of movie theater Most important in the world. In that case, those attending that event participate in the protocol that puts the finishing touch to that event. cultural.
Closure of a building
The closure also refers to the temporary closure of a building that is going to be under construction with the aim of restoring it. For example, visits to a church may be closed for both worship and worship. tourism as the temple is closed for work reasons. The closure can also refer to the definitive closure of a specific building.
The closure is also a possible way of life that shows the contrast with the life that most people lead.
A lifestyle
Some religious communities live in enclosure, that is, they lead a retired life, dedicating most of their time to prayer and prayer.
realization of its activities in closing. It is about a life choice that shows a personal vocation, that is, the person finds a very valuable meaning to his way of living in solitude since this solitude is lived in company of God. The closure is a lifestyle of praise to God by adopting an existence of complete dedication to prayer and religious life.People who live in enclosure usually live in community with other members who also have the same life Proyect. In that case, life in cloister has very strict orders since people cannot leave the enclosure in which they carry out their ordinary life and the visitors they receive cannot go through all the rooms of the enclosure.
Is decision is modifiable, that is, a person who has made the decision to be part of a religious congregation that is synonymous with leading a closed life can change your mind the moment you feel that this path is not the one that really makes you be happy.
Photo: iStock - andresr
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