Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jun. 2016
When in a marital union an individual is married to more than one person, a phenomenon of polygamy occurs. This word comes from the Greek and is formed by the term polis, which means several and by the word gamos, which means marriage.
Monogamy and polygamy
Polygamy is an unusual type of marriage and this is due to two main reasons:
1) the most widespread family nucleus is based on monogamy, a man married to a woman, a bond inspired by tradition Judeo-Christian and
2) most laws do not recognize polygamy as a marriage formula. Thus, from the religious point of view, polygamy is considered a sinful union and contrary to the law of God and from a legal point of view polygamy is not recognized by law.
Different ways of understanding polygamy
A marriage formed by more than two people can be understood in two different ways: a man with several women or polygyny and a woman with several men or polyandry. Polygyny is the most common version of polygamy and is the formula that can still be found in some countries of
religion Muslim, in some minority groups of Mormon religion or within Hinduism. Polyandry is even rarer than polygyny and is related to some now defunct matriarchal societies.Polygamy today
Although polygamy is opposed to the Jewish and Christian religious tradition and to the legal order of the most countries, it should be noted that legally it is not easy to prohibit it in an absolute way, since the Liberty from conscience it is also legally recognized. Thus, in recent years some polygamous marriages (for example, among Mormons in Utah in the US) have been legally recognized by a judge since it has been considered that the prohibition of the same would go against the religious freedom that defends the own Constitution American.
Regardless of the religious question, polygamy is currently practiced in some cases as one more option of coexistence. And to avoid a legal problem, many romantic unions with more than two members are made outside of marriage. These unions are known by the name of polyamory, that is, loving more than one person but in an organized way and sharing a life in common.
Currently there are groups that practice this modality of affective union, since they understand that no religious law or dogma may dictate how they have to organize their life and relationships sentimental.
Photos: iStock - MariaPavlova / KingMatz1980
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