Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
The word concise is a term that in our language is used with recurrence to express that a communication stands out for its precision and by the absence of elaboration when expressing what you want communicateTherefore, it turns out to be widely understandable to the public and devoid of detours, or excuses when raising the issue at hand.
So, concise is a term that we normally apply, as we said, in relation to a text, speech, statement, expressed by someone and characterized by its brevity and accuracy, or also on a individual, when it stands out especially for presenting in a clear, concrete and precise way when expression the thing is about ideas or concepts. Laura is very concise when it comes to explaining how to do the job. I need you to give me a concise answer regarding what you were doing yesterday until so late in the street.
Meanwhile, the synonym that we normally use in the absence of concise is that of brief, from which we can precisely refer to what stands out for its short and short duration, extension, among other possibilities.
The brief as well as what turns out to be concise are characterized especially by their resume Y limitation as regards time and space. Meanwhile, the concept that is directly opposed to concise is that of extensive, quality that we use to refer to that which is the owner of a large extension.
At the request of journalism we meet a gender journalistic, baptized as brief, precisely, and that is distinguished by the conciseness and brevity that its text proposes. In the brief, a news item is reported but only the most relevant data about it are indicated, secondary data is excluded so that it gains precision and precision. In order not to fail and extend further, in the brief, only those data that correspond to the answers to the six classic journalism questions will be indicated (when, how, who, what, where and why).
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