Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
The term ordinary, depending on the use that is given to it and in the context in which it is applied, will mean various questions.
When it comes to having to set or mark the time, the word current often has the function to do it, because for example, when you want to realize that some situation happens regularly and very frequently, people use the term ordinary. If Juan comes to class after hours every day, then it will be said that Juan is often late for school.
And on the other hand, when, also in terms of time, we want to refer to what is happening todayFor example, a situation or a meeting that has not yet arrived but is approaching and that will occur in the same month in which we are living, it is usually said that it will take place on the 10th of the current, without having to indicate the month because with that expression It is already taken for granted and everyone will understand that it will occur in the course of the month that is happening.
Also when it comes to pointing out
the normality of a topic, such as a custom, or if it is a person who is characterized by normality or ordinariness with which it develops, the current term is usually used, both to classify the custom and the person.On the other hand, and at the request of disciplines such as Oceanography, Hydrology and Meteorology, the term current has a common use and a special participation when explaining some objects of study.
For example, ocean or marine current is used to indicate that movement of translation, continuous and permanent that has a certain mass of water of the oceans and a step below, the most extensive seas. These currents can be provoked by a multiplicity of factors, for the most part, it is said that they respond to the earth's rotational movement, which acts differently and in opposite ways at the bottom of the ocean and on the surface, likewise, the Planetary or constant winds, the configuration of the coasts in question and the location of the continents will be decisive when currents are concerned. thing.
Something similar happens with the currents of air and fluvial, being only the object of what is moved, air or river water, which will change the question.
In addition, in our daily life and in what is inherent to the electricity that sometimes we need as much as air to run some utensils and items of daily use, the common term is very recurrent, since to electric power, rather, the flow of charge per unit of time that a material travels is popularly called as electric current.
And finally, when it is necessary to refer to a tendency, an opinion and even a political or religious movement, the common word is usually used for this reason.
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