Example of Historical Account
Literature / / July 04, 2021
A story is defined as a transmission of information that focuses on a single fact; It is usually reduced in size and can encompass both true and fictional tales and stories, but which are reduced in size.
The stories are usually longer than a story and smaller than a story or novel.
It can be said that a story is what a person tells as an adventure or event that he has faced.
The clear difference between simple story Y historical account is that in the simple story something is told that may or may not be of interest to others, as happens with the news, which is the clearest example of a story; or that it may or may not be substantiated, as if a lie such as gossip or talk were told.
Example of a historical account: The historical revolution
In times of the revolution there was a group of people who took children away to fight in the revolution and also took the girls to marry them or use them as soldaderas and attend the soldiers.
At the beginning, many people believed that this was a lie, but with the passage of time they realized that it was not.
For this reason, when people heard the arrival of the levy, the parents hid their daughters in cellars or put them in caves, so that the revolutionaries would not take them away.
The parents also hid the boys; many made them climb trees of the highest with water and food, making them tie themselves so that they did not fall.
The lev not only raised people, they also took livestock, especially horses and money, as they claimed it as a contribution to the revolution.
In reality, all these precautions were unsuccessful, because when the cam arrived, it was because they had already sent someone to check and they knew well how many people there were to take and increase the ranks of the revolution.
They were very difficult times, because in those days there was no communication and after they raised people, it took years to hear from them.
Author: Copywriters Examplede.com
Example of a historical account: Great War of Paraguay
Historical account of the war of the triple alliance in Paraguay
This war is called by the Paraguayans as the great war, the origin was very dark, but it was believes that in 1864 it began as a retaliation because initially Paraguay in the voice of its president the Mr. Francisco Solano López, who was a marshal, gave his support to the white party of Uruguay, which was in a civil war against the Colorado party of Uruguay.
The armed conflict with Brazil began when the Paraguayan government captured a Brazilian merchant ship and the ruler of the province of Mato Grosso, declared war and militarily occupied Mato Grosso.
This occupation ended when the Brazilian troops and an Imperial squad attacked them logistically supported by the Argentine government, which remained neutral until that moment.
Argentina denied passage to Paraguayan troops, forcing these troops to invade the city of Corrientes, thus introducing the Argentine government into the triple alliance.
The Argentine government formed strategic alliances with the new government of Uruguay, which formed the triple alliance between Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, who strongly attacked the Paraguay causing great damage to its economy a direct massacre of its population, leaving the vast majority of adult males dead and leaving the country bankrupt, without population and even more so the Paraguay considers the aggression of the triple alliance as a genocide, because after having marked a complete defeat over Paraguay they annihilated all adult and male males. middle age.
The Great War or the Triple Alliance lasted three years, beginning on November 12, 1864 and ending on March 9, 1870.
The Paraguayans consider that there was an intervention of the British Empire, this despite the fact that the wife of the Paraguayan president was British, killing the president and his son.
Finally they fixed the payment of the war towards Paraguay, who was economically destroyed for paying all the expenses and damages of the war, the territory of Paraguay was decimated by territorial courts in favor of Brazil and Argentina.
Author: Copywriters Examplede.com