Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2017
A credential is a type of document that accredits someone for some purpose. In this sense, there are accreditations or credentials to attend a congress professional, to access a scholarship, to recognize the participation in an activity and, ultimately, for everything that implies a certain official recognition.
The person issuing a credential is generally a institution and through it it is guaranteed that the individual who owns it meets the appropriate conditions for some purpose.
The medieval origin of credentials
In the Middle Ages there was no passport or a document of identity to report on people. In this sense, to travel it was necessary for an institution (usually the church) to grant the traveler some type of identification document that accredited him. In this social context, the credentials served as a safe-conduct.
For example, the so-called "communion letter" was a type of credential with which it was indicated that the traveler was a person who had received the sacrament of communion and with that letter it was already possible to accredit the condition of Christian. With this letter the traveler had a certain
safety and he knew that, in principle, he would be well received elsewhere.On the other hand, in medieval Europe there was the pilgrim's credential, a document that allowed the traveler to communicate his condition as a Christian and move with certain security through any territory European.
In electoral processes
To exercise the right to vote in some countries it is necessary that the citizen Obtain a credential that allows you to prove who you are and in this way you can now exercise your right. Similarly, the members of the political parties that supervise the polling stations must carry a credential indicating their membership in a particular party.
Based on this type of documentation, it is intended to guarantee transparency in voting and avoid any possible fraud.
In the world of diplomacy
In international relations there are credentials. It is an official document that one head of state addresses to another to transmit the appointment of a new ambassador.
For the letter to be accepted, it is necessary that the receiving embassy previously agrees with the appointment and this agreement is known as placet. If the receiving country did not grant the placet (a word that comes from placere, which means to please) it would not be possible to obtain the credential letter.
Photos: Fotolia - asmati / dervish15
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