Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2016
The objects that we acquire are normally made in series. Thus, if we buy a shirt or shoes, hundreds or thousands of people will have others exactly the same. Despite this standardization of everything that surrounds us, it is possible to incorporate changes in the objects with the purpose to adapt them to our style personal. This process is called customizing. In this sense, it could be said that customizing is the same as customizing. In popular terminology, this fashion it is usually accompanied by a very representative slogan, "do it yourself" or do it yourself.
In the fashion sector
Probably the world of fashion is where there is more talk of customizing. The customization of garments is based on the creativity and wit. Let's think about some simple jeans and the different alternatives to adapt them to our personal taste (it is They could unsew the bottoms of the pants, make an original rip, sew patches or fabrics on them and endless possibilities).
You can personalize a garment for many reasons: to make it more fun, to update old clothes that are not used, to differentiate yourself from others or as a simple hobby.
Cars, motorcycles or bicycles can also be decorated with new elements. If we talk about cars, the most used term is not to customize but to tune, but both express the same idea.
In the world of marketing
Trademarks sometimes need to personalize their products and services. Therefore, they seek that what they sell can be adapted to the style of their customers.
Is strategy they have put it in March some brands of sports shoes, which offer the possibility that the client write your name on them, change the original colors or add a decorative element. With this commercial strategy, companies look for a customer to become a fan.
The need to feel unique and different
Nobody likes to feel like an ordinary person, who dresses the same as others and that his way of life is the same as that of millions of individuals. In some way, the fashion to customize is related to the need to reaffirm ourselves as individuals.
Photos: Fotolia - Mechanik / oliverk71
Themes in Customize