Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2010
It is said that something, a situation or a thing is relative when it is not absolute, when it can be subject or be prone to some change depending on external aspects or conditions that appear at a time dice.
When something is not absolute or it is not what it shows
Also, when an issue may not always be what it is or represents, but will largely depend on where it is being viewed from, it is also spoken in terms of something relative.
For example, in Western culture to say that monogamy should be the form of relationship of all couples is correct, instead, Saying the same thing in a culture like the Arab one is not the same, since in these geographic places polygamy is common among the individuals.
Therefore, life is made up of relative situations or issues, which may be here, but not there.
That linked to something or the little amount or intensity of something
Likewise, the word allows mentioning that which maintains a association with something or someone. “The company is having severe problems in relation to the
communication internal ”.Without a doubt, this is the use that we give the most to the word at hand.
On the other hand, the term is used to indicate little or little quantity intensity.
Grammar: pronoun that refers to a person or thing that was already mentioned
And in Grammar it designates that pronoun that refers to a person or a thing that has already been mentioned.
That controversial
Another use that we often see with recurrence of this concept is to express that something is controversial and that therefore it can be questioned and discussed. Because something relative, as we have already seen, is not absolute, then, in front of the discussion From a topic, the subjectivity of each of those who participate in the discussion will appear, and the position of each one should be considered as relative and not as an absolute truth about the topic.
Meanwhile, when the concept is applied to a circumstance or situation, it will imply that it can be modified in some aspect over time, that is, It is clear that this circumstance is not immovable nor is it eternal that it does not allow changes, but on the contrary it is permeable to modifications over time.
Use associated with the theory of Relativity
Other job of the word can be referred to the theory of Relativity published opportunely by the scientist Albert Einstein, in 1905 and who proposes that physical events that take place in time and space have a location relative to the state of who appreciates them. For example, the length of a moving object is by no means invariable.
Philosophical relativism: there are no universally valid truths
For its part, relativism is a philosophical position which considers that in certain aspects or situations there are no universal facts or principles shared by all cultures human. Meanwhile, in most cases the discussions about the relativism of things are focused on particular aspects, for which there will be a relativism cultural, a relativism moral and even a linguistic relativism, among others.
As the main issue, relativism defends that There are no universally valid truths, since the statement in question will depend more than anything on conditions or the context of the person who is affirming this or that situation.
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