Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
The word cool It is used in our language with various motivations that have the purpose to express different questions. So when something or someone turns out to be outstanding or excellent we say they are great. It can be applied to a person, when he or she displays a very good action, or in the absence of it to some object or thing, for example, book that after reading it we find it fantastic we can say that it is great.
On the other hand, when an individual is characterized by being witty and funny with their actions and thoughts, that is, it offers unusual and original outlets to situations, it is often said that they are great.
And this word is also used to refer to that which is proper or associated with genius.
Meanwhile, the word genius has various uses. One of the most widespread uses is to refer the character what a person has, that is to say, his way of being. For example, when a person is funny and pleasant, it will be said of him that he has a good temper, and by that On the contrary, when he gets angry at nothing, we will say that he has a bad temper and people will tend to move away from him. he.
On the other hand, when an individual presents a skill special to create and invent things that awaken in the interlocutors astonishment or a huge admirationWe usually call him a genius. It is worth mentioning that the concept is applied especially to highlight the intellectual capacity and when highly original questions that have no antecedents result from it. Mario is a genius, he constantly comes up with new projects for the group to deploy.
And other job widely used for the word genius we find it in fantastic tales and legends for describe to that character who has special powers and whose presence is inside a fantastic lamp. By rubbing this lamp, the genie appears and will grant the person who carries it out three wishes.
Meanwhile, there are many synonyms that this word presents, distinguishing between the most used: excellent, wonderful and extraordinary. The opposite concept is that of mediocre, which refers to that or that of low or bad quality and that it does not have the capacities for what it does.
Themes in Great