Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2018
In the field of botany plants are studied from different perspectives. A specific aspect is the development of the seeds, which is called germination. This process describes how a seed begins to transform into a plant.
Structure of the seeds
The seeds have different appearances depending on which plant they come from. However, all of them share some characteristics:
1) are covered by an outer protective layer called the integument,
2) inside is the embryo, inside which are the stem and root of the new plant,
3) the seed food is located outside the embryo, specifically in the endosperm and
4) Most seed-producing plants are dicotyledons, that is, they contain two seed leaves inside.
Most of the seeds are enclosed in a fleshy fruit, others are transported through the Water, some are moved by the action of the wind and sometimes the seeds end up in the I usually fertile after being expelled from the fruit that is eaten by an animal.
Seeds that have not yet germinated are dormant or dormant. For a seed to finally germinate it is necessary that certain meteorological conditions are met, as well as a
temperature adequate and optimal oxygen and humidity level.In most cases, the seeds germinate when the soil is in good condition. The fertile soil provides moisture and food necessary for the seed to be able to develop.
In a first stage, the cells of the seed absorb oxygen. From this moment on the seed begins to shed dioxide carbon. When the digestion, the stored food becomes Energy. In this way, the seed embryo swells and new cells are created at the same time.
At one point in the development of the embryo, the end of the root comes out and then the stem. At this point is when the seed has sprouted. At this point, the roots grow downwards and the stems upwards as a result of the effect of light and gravity.
Germination times and rates of seed-producing plants vary greatly depending on each species. Thus, the orchid seed can only germinate a few weeks after its maturity, while the cucumber seed can be for several years until its final germination.
Photos: Fotolia - dmitrimaruta / amin268
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