Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, in Jan. 2009
A graph is any kind of visual representation that includes figures and / or signs to communicate one or a series of concepts.
A graph is often one of two things. Or, a representation graph of an operation, demonstration or series of concepts and ideas that takes place through images, signs and symbols; or, a representation of numerical data that uses various formats (bars, pie, etc.) to show a relationship between data corresponding to two different variables.
In the first case, a chart is a multipurpose functionality. It may very simply consist of an image to which one or more explanatory captions have been attached, or a complex system of diagrams and symbols that represent the linking of various abstract concepts to each other. These types of graphics are used in all areas of industry: government, institutional, communication, business, economic, social and scientific. In most cases, the purpose of a figure such as a graph is to simplify a conceptualization complex relating ideas and data to each other to offer conclusions and investigative perspectives multiple. For example, a graph can account for a scientific procedure, progress in a
draft social, or the report on the results of an organizational work.The other type of graph is the one commonly associated with finance Y accounting. This graph can be generated in analog or digital form and basically matches the progress of two (or even more) variables through their relationship to lines. Spreadsheets are very useful when creating these graphs from data and operations math made previously. Charts can be bar, pie, or line, depending on the Format ending with which they are presented.
Finally, the term graphic also refers in computing to the elements they don't use text. Operating systems like Windows are considered graphics, as opposed to others like MS-DOS that only used text. Graphics are also all the components (settings, characters, animations) that make up a video game.
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