Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2012
The word ancestry presents different references depending on the context in which it is being used.
One of the uses par excellence of the term allows us to account for the group of ancestors or individuals who preceded another, that is, the ancestry will be all those individuals who belonged in the past to the family of someone and from which of course that someone descended. It should be noted that as a consequence of this biological relationship, ancestry will share many physical and psychic characteristics with their respective offspring. So, for example, if a person's great-grandfather suffered from diabetes on time, probably to Because of this biological link, their offspring, that is, the great-grandchild, runs the risk of suffering the same condition.
On the other hand, the word ancestry is also frequently used to account for the root or source from which something comes. The ancestry of this wine is located in the south of our country.
Also, it is frequent that in the
language current, when one person has a remarkable influence, authority and weight, talk about it in terms of ancestry, that is, if Juan admires his uncle a lot, surely, everything he says or proposes will be well accepted by Juan, never discussed and even applied in reality, then, it will be said that his uncle has an enormous influence on his nephew.And at the behest of themeteorologyWe also find a special reference to the term, since in this way themovement with direction from the bottom up and of the vertical type presenting a mass of air.
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