Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
The definition of the word 'blow' can be very varied depending on each situation, although in general terms it can be said that a blow is a movement or relatively sudden action that may involve different levels from violence or attack on another person, item or institution. In its most basic and common use, a hit is a aggression, as usual physical, which inflicts a person or animal on another subject with certain objectives.
The hit understood as a physical aggression from one to another person can take place in different ways. On some occasions it can be carried out voluntarily, although in other situations the blow may be involuntary and the product of an accident. On the other hand, a person can suffer a blow in situations in which other people do not intervene, for example when a car hits a tree or falls to the ground. Physical blows always involve some sequel of a greater or lesser degree, ranging from a scratch or bruise to severe fractures and fatal injuries.
The term coup can also be used in different expressions in which violence does not necessarily appear. Instead, these expressions imply an abrupt modification of the existing conditions. In this sense we find expressions such as 'a heat stroke' or 'a stroke of luck'.
Finally, the word coup is used in the field of politics to refer to the events of the seizure of power by non-democratic means. These coups are normally known as 'coups d'etat' and they signify a change (temporary or lasting) but always violent and profound in the way of handling the different branches of a government. Coups d'état are generally carried out by the military or by individuals with thought authoritarian in nature since they do not respect democratic freedoms or the popular will by which the rulers have come to their place.
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