Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2010
In its broadest use, the term surveillance refers to the action and result of watching someone or something.. Meanwhile, in the same way, the organized and trained system to carry out the action of monitoring. Basically, surveillance, consists of monitoring the behavior of people, objects or processes that are inserted within a certain system with the objective of detecting those who interfere with the compliance of current, desired or expected regulations, intruders, thieves, spies, among others.
Although, as we mentioned, the term is used repeatedly to refer to all those forms of observation and monitoring, not only the visual, although, in any case, the visual will always be the icon and the most effective in most cases.
Technology at the service of surveillance
To carry out effective surveillance, both at a public and private level, that is, both in public spaces and squares, bathrooms, government agencies such as companies, museums, shopping centers, among others, the implementation of a
closed TV circuit It turns out to be an ideal alternative that will allow you to monitor large spaces simultaneously and without anything escaping from view.But the closed circuit by tevé does not turn out to be the only method but there are many, more or less technological ones that complement and help each other, such such as eavesdropping, wiretapping, directional microphones, micro cameras, GPS tracking, military reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance, gadgets from computing, observation through binoculars, correspondence interception, tracking, among the most used.
Using wiretapping to resolve court cases
In the judicial sphere, for example, wiretapping is a fundamental resource when it comes to disrupting criminal gangs, illicit associations or any other crime. Generally, it is a judge who formally requests the pertinent authorities to follow up on certain mobile or landline telephone numbers through which it is assumed a priori that sensitive information can be obtained about a case in investigation. It is worth noting that wiretapping of this type will only be valid when authorized by competent authorities.
Both for the forces that are responsible for ensuring the safety of a Nation As for companies that are in charge of providing security to their clients, surveillance is a really useful tool to carry out their purposes.
Insecurity, a key factor in the development of increasingly expert surveillance
In recent years and especially in those places that for the value they host, for the people who reside there or simply because unsafety It has intensified, the number of companies exclusively dedicated to providing private security services has increased notably.
Private residential buildings, residential gated communities, public buildings that house important authorities and personalities of the politics and other areas that are usually of great importance are usually watched by a group of people who have the mission of ensuring their integrity.
On the other hand, there are objects or items of enormous value that require special vigilance and very rigorous because they are worth millions of dollars or because they turn out to be indispensable in some appearance. Then, around them important monitoring and surveillance are mounted, which usually consist of security personnel and also cameras that monitor them 24 hours a day.
We cannot ignore when addressing this issue the conflicts regarding privacy of individuals that often arise when surveillance measures, especially by the provision of security cameras, are extreme in spaces public. Many times, people feel harassed by this forceful surveillance and may rebel against it. The truth is that they are minor cases but that they can generate complications in the surveillance tasks, for example someone who files a legal action not to be followed or monitored.
The important thing is that the watchdog and the watched understand that the motivation This control is not to interfere in anyone's private life but to take care of the facilities or the integrity of some matter.
The clinical surveillance, for his part, turns out to be the monitoring of those diseases or indicators public related to health, such as symptoms that anticipate bio-terrorist actions, carried out by epistemologists and health professionals.
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