Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2009
A widow is called a person whose spouse has died and who even despite having long time after the aforementioned loss she has not remarried, preserving that condition before law civil from any country in the world.
Although today as a consequence of the Liberty that governs most orders of life and unlike the rigidity that prevailed in the past, widows or widowers, usually, after a reasonable time (although they never lack the exceptions to the rule, of course, who were on the lookout for this tragic outcome) to rebuild their lives with other people, even marrying others, since widowhood It allows without the need for any judicial procedure to take place, as it happens in the case of de facto separations of the spouses, in the not so long past, widowhood was an almost state, especially when it was the husband who died, since he left the woman, generally, a housewife and without observing any paid work, without financial support with which sustain your home and their children. This is why it was very common for charities to be organized for the absolute benefit of widows and their children to prevent them from falling into an extreme situation.
poverty when the man of the house is missing.In other societies, what was done, instead of organizing charitable acts, was to grant widows some rights such as the administration cooperatives to earn an income.
And on a strictly plane moralAlso in the past, it was highly recurrent that in some cultures, widows were treated with the greatest respect and not to mention, as we said above, of think in approaching them with an unholy or romantic intention.
In both and beyond what the term refers applied to everyday reality, widows have received special attention and participation in the world of Comic, since the mega company that produces these, Marvel, has included in many of its successful stories the character of the black widow who works as an agent in a Russian spy organization.
But on the other hand, in Nowadays, black widows are often referred to as those women who attract and fall in love with, through gambling and thought-out tricks, generally older and lonely men, and then rob.
Themes in Widow