Definition of Egg Yolk
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2015
If we break a goose, duck or chicken egg, a white and a yolk will come out of it. The first has a transparent appearance and the second has an intense yellow color, a appearance gelatinous.
The fried egg
Egg yolk is present in one of the most international dishes, the fried egg. In Spain it is usually eaten with fried potatoes and sometimes accompanied by chorizo. The English usually have it for breakfast, the famous eggs and bacon. Argentines eat it with French fries (a well-known dish is French fries horse, that is, with two fried eggs). In recent years in supermarkets you can buy frozen. In any case, the fried egg is part of the international cuisine.
If we speak strictly of the egg yolk, its culinary applications are very diverse. For example, it is used to make sauces (hollandaise sauce is probably one of the best known). It is also used in cake shop homemade to make custard, ice cream or ice cream. Hobbyists know very well that the important thing is to correctly separate the yolk from the white.
The bad reputation of the egg
Eggs have popularly had a bad press. They were associated with cholesterol and therefore there was a habit of not consuming too much. This idea is even reflected in the Spanish proverb (two eggs a week, a healthy custom). However this belief popular has been disappearing in recent years. According to specialists in nutrition the yolk of the egg does have cholesterol but as it does not contain trans fats they do levels cholesterol in the blood and thus the myth of the egg as a harmful food is weakening in the wisdom popular.
Nutritionists emphasize the properties of egg yolk: it has vitamin B, A, E and D, folic acid, as well as various (magnesium, phosphorus or potassium). It is recommended to accompany it with vegetables and fruits and it is ideal for low calorie diets. The proof that the properties of the yolk are evident is found in the feeding of elite athletes, who mostly consume egg yolks regularly.
Egg yolk and cosmetics
The yolk of the egg has uses beyond the kitchen. In this sense, in the field of cosmetics it is used for several purposes: for the Health hair and scalp, to smooth the face with a mask or to maintain firm and healthy skin.
Photos: iStock - s-cphoto / anandaBGD
Themes in Egg Yolk