What is Lolita Syndrome?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Human beings have the tendency, when choosing our partner, in general terms, that there is an age difference in which the man is somewhat older than his partner, between 5 and 8 years in average.
This tendency, according to anthropologists, is a psychobiological tendency to seek someone who provides health and takes care of its offspring, in man; and in the woman to obtain protection and satisfaction of her own needs and of her children.
The attraction to a much younger person, generally just entering puberty, is known as Hebephilia (towards women) or Ephebophilia (towards boys). males), and in which according to some psychologists, the attraction is caused by the mixture between the beginning of the corporal maturity and the innocence and inexperience of the childhood.
A variant of this behavior is known as Lolita syndrome. In this syndrome there are two components, visible in the characters of Vladimir Nabokov's novel, published in 1955 "Lolita": A man (Humbert Humbert), who is attracted to a girl just entering puberty (Lolita), doing his best to stay close to the little girl; on the other hand, Lolita herself, aware of the attraction that Humbert feels, takes advantage of the situation to manipulate him and practically enslave him. Nabokov himself calls them Nymphula in his book.
Another characteristic of the Lolitas is an early onset of their sexuality, prior to meeting their lovers, and which they use to hook and manipulate them. Lolita's literary background was the character in the book "Josephine Mutzenbacher", by Felix Salten, author of Bambi, who began her sexual life at age 7. Before the publication of lolita, nymphs were known in Europe as Josephines.