Definition of Rainbow Children
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2018
According to some esoteric positions and certain pseudoscientific currents, for example the New Age, there are children with a unique spiritual dimension and some traits of personality very special. There are three distinct archetypes: Indigo Child, Crystal Child, and Rainbow Child.
In specialized terminology they are known as "warriors of god"
- It is claimed that rainbow children appeared in the late 1990s and that their parents were once crystal children.
- It is said that crystal people have never been reincarnated and remain totally pure. Due to this they do not commit injustices against others and this circumstance causes their children to be born without the inheritance of negative karma.
- They need a harmonious and peaceful environment to develop their abilities. When the family environment is conducive, they begin to express their psychic and spiritual potential.
- They are born with an aura with the color of the rainbow and for this reason they are known by this term. The colors of your aura are claimed to have healing energies.
- They have a very open mind and stand out for having some psychic gifts, such as telepathy or the ability to predict the future.
- They know how to relate to anyone naturally, since they are not dominated by traditional prejudices.
- Rainbow children are very intuitive, with great sensitivity and with a high sense moral. They have complete mastery of their emotions and are able to excuse any lack of I respect to them.
- The attitude empathy of these boys has one purpose: to eliminate anger, violence and negative energies in the world around them.
-Parents who have a rainbow child should take maximum care of the academic and spiritual formation of their child, since he has the need to enlarge his soul and his mind.
The characteristics described above turn these infants into individuals with a marked personality. They are said to transmit peace and serenity in others and due to their charisma they are very likely to become authentic leaders.
Unlike indigo or crystal children, rainbows have greater mental and spiritual strength.
"Special" Children in the New Age Context
Followers of this current believe that humanity is going through a new spiritual phase. In this context, new generations of children are being born with some purifying objective.
From a New Age perspective it is a serious mistake to consider rainbow children to have ADDD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). According to the proselytes of this movement This medical label is inadequate to express the true personality of the rainbow children's world.
They claim that these children have a way of conscience higher and because of this they can be easily misunderstood by the whole of society.
Photo: Fotolia - aletia2011
Themes in Rainbow Children