Definition of Kingdom Plantae
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2015
In the classification of living beings there is a structure differentiated by kingdoms: the Monera kingdom, the protista, the fungi, the animalia and the kingdom plantae.
The Kingdom plantae is formed by the set of plants and algae that are part of nature. In spite of the diversity of existing species, all plants and algae have one thing in common: they are organisms eukaryotic, multicellular, autotrophic and their reproduction it is predominantly sexual in nature.
Generations and constant evolutions of a wonderful world
A very unique characteristic of plants is that they show alternation of generations, this means that the plant is diploid at one stage of its life and aploid at another.
The importance of plants in the ecosystem: photosynthesis and the food chain
The plants that inhabit the Earth are relevant to life because through the photosynthesis they release large amounts of oxygen, thus becoming the "lungs of the planet." At the same time, they have a role in
feeding of other beings, the heterotrophs (animals that feed on other living organisms), so plants represent the first link in the food chain.Evolution of Kingdom plantae
Regarding the origin of plants, it is believed that evolutionarily they come from algae in the aquatic environment and their subsequent transformation throughout the entire evolution.
There is an agreement among biologists that the first plants on Earth were the Bryophytes, who left the water and settled on the mainland through a series of adaptations. Over time, larger and more evolved plants colonized the Earth's surface. In this process, at the end of the Paleozoic era, large fern forests were formed and later the higher plants appeared.
Plant structure, from simplicity to complexity
This evolution of the Kingdom Plantae can be seen in the structure of the various plants. At a first level of complexity, bryophytes are very simple and do not have conductive vessels, so they live close to the water, while pteridophytes do have conductive vessels and can distribute nutrients throughout their structure. In the next evolutionary link are the higher plants, which have conducting vessels and also with true organs (root, stem and leaves) and their form of reproduction is solely sexual and in this way they have become the predominant plants in the Land.
Higher plants are divided into two large groups: gymnosperms (which are evergreen because they photosynthesize throughout the year) and angiosperms are plants that have flower and fruit (the flower allows the pollination of insects and the fruit protects the seeds of these plants and serves at the same time as food for species of Animalia Kingdom).
Themes in Kingdom Plantae