Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2018
The English word packaging can be translated as packaging or packaging. This term is commonly used in relation to all those articles that require some type of packaging for their distribution and sale. From the ground of the advertising, plays a fundamental role as an integral part of the sales process, understanding the presentation of the product.
Packaging processes in the transport of goods
From the factory to the point of sale, a product can travel thousands of kilometers. For this reason, it is necessary that its packaging be safe, easy to place and with an adequate weight and size.
An important part of marketing
When buying a product the consumer value its price, its usefulness and its ease of use. However, its packaging plays a prominent role. Those responsible for trademarks are aware of this reality and for this reason they are especially careful in packaging processes. If a good product does not have the proper presentation, it is very likely that the volume of sales will be negatively affected.
Various elements are involved in the packaging process, such as design of logos, the use of resistant materials, labels and certifications, typography, colors used... Everything related to the wrapping and packaging of a product has a purpose and, consequently, the objectives of a trademark depend on the quality technique and packaging design.
Each item should be presented with a packaging strategy
If an entrepreneur markets a high-quality wine aimed at a client select has to ask itself some questions before putting this product on the market. Many of these questions are related to everything that surrounds the wine, such as the type of bottle, its labeling or the boxes where it is kept.
In the context of wine, a winegrower would contact a company specialized in packaging to design a strategy effective.
A simple box
Many items are sold in cardboard boxes. For this packaging to be as suitable as possible it must meet certain requirements. First of all, that the box is resistant and that it guarantees the safety of the product that is inside. Second, it has to be attractive for a reason, be it color or design.
As is logical, it is important that the assembly of the same is easy and with the least complexity possible. Finally, the box has to be inexpensive.
In recent years, companies in this sector are promoting self-packaging. This method consists, in a nutshell, of providing all the elements of a box and an instruction plan for the customer to assemble and give it their own personal touch.
Photos: Fotolia - Maksym Yemelyanov / Denisismagilov
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