Definition of Pink Capitalism
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2018
Although there are cultural traditions and social groups that do not share the free expression Of sexuality, there is a general tolerance towards the different ways of understanding and living sexuality. In many countries, the LGTB collective has ceased to be persecuted and many companies use their images and symbols to approach this sector of the population. His strategy commercial is known as capitalism rose.
Support for the claims of the LGTB collective or a simple marketing strategy?
Gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual people have been developing an intense struggle to integrate normally in society and not as a rarity or a deviation. In their struggle they have achieved important achievements: the legal recognition of homosexual marriage in some countries, the rejection majority of society towards the different forms of homophobia or the visibility in public spaces of the different sexual tendencies. In this context, some commercial brands have seen a business possibility and sell their products or services with an LGTB touch (for example, with the rainbow flag or with a slogan claiming pride gay).
A sector of the LGTB community denounces this marketing strategy as opportunistic. Who adopt this attitude defend a "critical pride" in the face of commercialization of "gay pride".
The business of the gay sector
In recent years the gay community has ceased to be marginalized and persecuted. With the change of mentality in society, all kinds of businesses have developed. Currently there are not only the typical gay bars and clubs, but also hotels, travel agencies, health clinics reproduction assisted, insurance, etc.
Companies focus on the LGTB group because the people who make it up tend to have an interesting socioeconomic profile: a level of education and a higher-than-average salary level, they live in large cities in well-known neighborhoods and spend a lot of time on leisure and entertainment. On the other hand, it is a type of consumer who values the quality and that in turn creates new trends in society as a whole.
Understood as a simple business opportunity
Capitalism does not have a good image in broad sectors of society. In fact, savage capitalism is spoken of to indicate that this economic system it generates a kind of permanent struggle between human beings.
The pink capitalism label is clearly derogatory, as it criticizes many companies using gay claims for their commercial interests. However, the capitalist economic system is not for or against gays or any other group. All you do is look for a business opportunity.
Photos: Fotolia - Alexlmx / Hyejin Kang
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