Novel Features
Literature / / July 04, 2021
Novels are generally literary works and texts generally written in prose, where generally fictitious stories are expressed, which can be extended and written in chapters.
It can be understood that the novel must contain a certain number of pages, generally more than 50 and can be very broad. Its structure is very varied, as it can be an explanatory text or a direct story.
Between the novel characteristics is that novels generally focus on merely human and fictional activities that, although they can be based on real stories, have a merely fantastic and literary base.
Novels have ventured beyond literature, because although there are novels of all kinds written, there are also so-called “radio novels” and “soap operas”.
Another hallmark of novels is that they broadly reflect human passions, and their endings imbibe human satisfaction.
![The novels and their characteristics Characteristics of the novels](/f/6975aab3968144fbef6c70fe67882521.jpg)
Varieties and characteristics of the novels:
Meaning.- The novel taken from its etymological origin means "News”, (Derived from the Italian language) but the use and definitions made in the rae establish it as a literary genre generally performed in prose.
Extension.- The novels to be novels or cataloged as such, usually have a considerable length and these can even be written in several volumes or be part of an extensive series of books. If the novel is structured as a radio novel or telenovela, it is generally an expression alternate artistic form of the original literary expression in paper format and nowadays in digital.
Passions.- Although novels are merely literature, it is widely linked to human passions and feelings, since in its text it makes affective expressions that are reflected in the readers. It can cover multiple genres but mostly it seeks to sensitize the reader to the chosen topic.
Genders.- The novels by their base or nature linked to human feelings and passions, it has been possible to hook or link to multiple genres, where separate the categories of novels, there may be different genres, of which we can mention as main or easier to recognize the following:
- Humorous novel
- Detective novel
- Love novel
- Satirical novel
- Lyric novel
- Historical novel
- Biographical novel
- Autobiographical novel
- Didactic novel
- Television novel
- Science fiction novel
- Adventure novel
- Romantic novels
- Radio novel
- Children's novels
- Horror novels (thriller)
Which among many others complement the wide range of facets that this literary genre can have.
Prose.- This is an almost exclusive characteristic or quality of the novel, because although there are stories called novels that are formed in verse, the bulk and custom in the novel expresses it in prose and in story.
Best Seller.- Novels are called best sellers, which, due to their acceptance or their great interest, sell a lot and cause a sensation among readers, as happened with Agatha's novels. Cristie, who managed to become an icon in this genre or as it happens with other authors such as Dan Brawn, who have known well human nature and its requirements and needs.
Narration.- This is a very important fecera, since the entire structure of the novel can be altered if the novel is narrated in:
- First person.- What occurs when the narrator is the character, the protagonist or the secondary character, who is part of the stories.
- Third person.- That is caused when the narrator is only the observer, or witness, who is limited exclusively to recounting what is said or done without intervening in the plot as a character.
origins.- The origins are very diffuse, but it is known that novels existed in ancient Greece, in ancient Rome, and it is possible consider as a novel the ancient biblical accounts as well as the Egyptian accounts made with their initials scriptures. The current novel is considered a more advanced step than the old one, although it follows some of the trajectories used by Homer and other authors, but it is in the Middle Ages or Renaissance where the novel takes the structure that today has been used.
Characters.- This is the name in which all the humanized fictional entities that are presented within the novels are cataloged, they are how to say people or personifications, and the concept is applied to the theater where the characters are expressed in the stage.