Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2010
That individual with respect to his mother or father
Son is called that individual or animal with respect to his mother and his father; this situation implies a relationship of consanguinity between parents and children. In some way, all human beings are children of someone, since we all have parents, even if they already have deceased or are away from their children because they live in a distant place, or failing that because they have fought and do not have Contact.
So, the concept of child is closely linked to that of parents, that is, without parents there would be no children and vice versa.
Meanwhile, a person who does not have parents because they abandoned him or because they died is called an orphan.
Foster son
Now, we must also emphasize that not only a child will be the one who was procreated by his parents, that is, that They conceived from a sexual relationship, but the one who adopts a partner and who is legally registered will also be a child as a son. Normally he is distinguished as an adopted son although he is a son like any other.
Couples who have a problem when conceiving per se or also those who wish to can carry out an adoption. This action is carried out through a legal process that will be subject to the laws in force of the country in which it is carried out.
Normally the couple must go through a series of procedures and studies to verify that they are suitable to adopt a child.
Some decades ago, more precisely in those pre-industrial societies and with economies based especially on the model agricultural, male children were assigned a value and consideration much more important than that held by female daughters and therefore were owners of a much more important social status than daughters, because men, a priori, are physically much stronger than women and that is why they can carry out those hardest tasks and perform them much more effectively than a woman could, they thought of those time.
Other uses of the concept
While, on the religion Christian, the term son is used repeatedly to speak of Jesus Christ and also to refer to the religious in relation to the founder of his order and the house in which he took the habits. The famous phrase about God who prays: father, son and holy spirit
But the term son, in addition to those mentioned, has many other recurring and particular uses ...
Anyone with respect to the country or population of which it is natural is called son. "Joan Manuel Serrat, beloved son of Spain".
Also to that work that comes from ingenuity it will be called son.
When two people love each other very much and then to account for that Dear that they have it is common that they refer in terms of son. "Dear daughter, I think that young man does not suit you."
In addition, that which proceeds or comes out of something else by procreation, such as flowers of a plant, they will be called children.
The parable of the prodigal son
The prodigal son It is that son who after a long period left home following certain motivations but who has decided to return. The aforementioned concept presents a connotation religious given its biblical reference.
The parable of the prodigal son is one of the most famous of the Christian religion and appears immortalized in the Bible, in the New Testament, in the Gospel of Saint Luke.
This parable that Jesus taught tells of a son who asks his father that he wants to get the part of the inheritance that he corresponds to him. His father agrees and gives it to him. The son decides to go with his inheritance to another country and wastes it in no time. This situation leads to misery and forced labor. He then decides to return to his father and ask for forgiveness.
When his father sees him arrive, he is very happy and decides to honor him with a party full of food.
A son-in-law is the son-in-law and a daughter politicsis the daughter-in-law; and neighbor's son he is popularly called that ordinary person.
Themes in Son