Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2013
The word frequency supports various uses in our language.
To repetition, be it greater or less, of a fact or of an action we call it frequency. I don't see Laura as often as when we were in college together.
On the other hand, the word frequency designates that number of times in which a time interval is repeated eventNewspaper. MarĂa Laura comes to this bar for breakfast three times a week.
And on the other hand, to instances of a periodic phenomenon, the word frequency also designates the number of oscillations, vibrations or waves per Unit of time.
Then, the frequency is a magnitude that will measure the repetitions in unit of time of a periodic phenomenon.
The calculation of the same is possible from the accounting of the successions of the phenomenon taking into consideration a certain time, in Therefore, immediately afterwards, the repetitions are divided by the time that elapsed and thus the repetition value that you want is obtained know.
In the System International Of units
, as the system of units that proliferates on the planet is called, frequency is measured in hertz, also called hertz, and hertz and his symbol is Hz. The name was attributed to him in commemoration of the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz , who was precisely the pioneer in the discovery of the propagation of electromagnetic waves.Now the hertz is the frequency of an event or phenomenon that repeats once per second. Taking this into account, if a phenomenon has a frequency of four hertz, it is because it repeats four times per second.
It is worth mentioning that there are also other units when it comes to expressing the frequency, such is the case of: revolution per minute, beats per minute, radians per second, and pulses per minute.
In the worlds of radio and television, the word frequency turns out to be a widely used concept since it indicates the bands in which the different stations broadcast their waves.
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