Definition of Hibernation (Hibernate)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2014
A good part of the people consider winter the hardest season of the year as a consequence of the very low temperatures to which they are exposed during the course of it.
Meanwhile, there are some animals like the bears and the marmots, for example, that they have a special ability to adapt to those harsh conditions that we mentioned, and that they cost us so much that it is known as hibernation; in the case of the marmot, hibernation lasts for seven months. Lack of food and extreme cold are the main adversities that these animals know how to face thanks to the possibility of hibernating.
Basically, hibernation consists of the ability to decrease the temperature of the body below normal and as a consequence there will be a decrease in the consumption from Energy and in vital signs such as heart rate and breathing. This particular situation will remain active during those months that the winter season lasts and then the animal will remain certainly inactive in a special physical space and that will help to maintain itself in this way, such is the case of the burrows. Once winter is over and therefore the
spring, associated with the good weather and as temperatures rise, the animal will return to activity.During the rest of the year and before the arrival of winter, the hibernating animal will accumulate fats that will later serve as caloric energy for that cold weather and in which, as we said, it will not move. Even inside burrows or caves where they hibernate, they will adopt a special position that will help them conserve energy as much as possible and not lose that heat.
And as with so many other concepts, hibernation is also widely used in the field colloquial which is exactly clear from its original reference. So, when an individual is characterized by practically not leaving his house, staying in it rather all day and it is usually only said that he is hibernating, as happens with animals.
Themes in Hibernate (Hibernate)