Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2018
The Greek prefix hexa equals six and the suffix gono means angle. This geometric figure is a polygon and it is made up of six sides and six angles. This implies that it can be divided into six triangles.
Main features
The six sides that form it can be decomposed into six equilateral triangles. It is a regular type figure because all its sides are congruent and its angles are equal (the sides of each triangle form an angle of 120 degrees). As for the area calculation, it can be done by adding the areas of each of the triangles that form it.
Another of its characteristics is that it is possible to trace inside or outside a circumference perfect.
This flat figure serves as the basis for forming three-dimensional structures, such as the hexagonal prism.
In nature and in decoration
In the honeycombs of bees, the eyes of insects, the bodies of some animals or the structure of certain plants this geometric figure is presented. In the case of insects, their eyes are made up of a large number of hexagon-shaped cells and this shape allows the insect to have a better
visual perception.The honeycombs of bees have hexagonal-shaped cells and thanks to this it is possible to store more quantity of honey, since the hexagon is larger than the square and the rectangle. This structure of nature has served as inspiration for other elements of daily life: shelves, boxes, traffic signs, clocks, nuts, mirrors, board games, etc.
On the other hand, the tiles, tiles and other structures used in the decoration of the home and in the town planning they also have this shape. In this sense, the floor of the Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona and some urbanizations have a hexagonal shape.
The mystery of the hexagon of Saturn
In the universe there are geometric patterns. One of them is cloudy and is located north of the planet Saturn. It is a unique phenomenon in the entire universe and was discovered after the imaging of Voyager 2 in 1981.
Scientists have not found a definitive explanation about it and for this reason some claim that it could be a phenomenon related to a intelligence of higher order.
Photo: Fotolia - grgroup
Hexagon Themes