Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
A humiliation will be that cause that certainly damages our dignity or pride.
Reason that damages a person's pride or dignity
It is a very negative state when it is suffered, because the person who goes through it will seriously affect their esteem in front of others.
The humiliation is he act from which an individual is discovered or exposed in a certain situation, the which is generally embarrassing, and this is done before a large audience that directly contemplates the scene.
The first reaction that the humiliated person will manifest will be shame.
So, any comment, action, that someone deploys with the clear mission of denigrating another in an extended way, especially regarding issues such as the political, religious beliefs that he holds, or the sexual preferences to which he is inclined, among other alternatives, constitutes a humiliation.
Dignity is the great affected
It should be noted that the direct recipient who is affected in a humiliation is the dignity of the person in question.
Dignity is a universal issue that we all have and that is in relation to the human rights essential, since dignity makes us possessors of them, and from them we enjoy well-being, equality, Y quality of life.
For example, in a meeting of friends, one of the group members openly exposes the sexuality of another member who at the moment guarded with suspicion and in the most absolute intimacy such information.
Direct attack on rights
In most humiliations there is a concrete violation of human rights and for this matter is that in the world there are different organizations who watch over these rights who face humiliation directly and propose their absolute and resounding punishment.
It is for this reason that a significant number of countries also admit in their legislation penalties for certain humiliations that clearly and profoundly affect some rights.
While humiliation is a situation that most human beings shy away from, there is a important portion of people who accept it and agree on it in their lives as a habitual practice and normal.
We must clarify, by the way, that this acceptance is not normal at all, no one deserves to be humiliated by another under any circumstances circumstance, there is no valid reason that enables it, that is why we should not take it normally when we suffer from it, or we appreciate in others.
In those cases that we see it, it would be good for us to approach and try to help that person so that he can get out of that situation of constant humiliation.
Affection of self-esteem
Because as we said above, humiliation directly affects the esteem that someone has and if the humiliations are repeated over time that person, surely, will suffer from a null self-esteem, which will undermine his life in every aspect, will hold him back when it comes to action and his growth.
Humiliation is very negative in anyone's life and you have to get out of it if you are constantly exposed.
Therapy can help a lot in this aspect to the person who suffers from it.
Sexual practices and labor abuse
On the other hand, some sexual practices such as sadomasochism, which promotes the obtaining of pleasure from the implementation of cruel acts, give humiliation a preponderant role.
In this type of relationship, it is common for couples who practice it to humiliate each other, either by yelling at each other or inflicting physical harm.
Also, it is common for humiliation to appear in the workplace and is directed from the sector of power, command, towards sectors that do not have authority some.
A classic example is the boss who continually humiliates an employee by making hurtful comments or by asking for the compliance unhealthy chores cash.
The authority that practices humiliation with its subordinates knows very well who directs it, especially those people who know a priori that they will not react because their work continuity is at stake, and they need a lot of that job.
Then, he uses that need of the other to submit him to his designs.
There are certainly cruel people who practice humiliation without any conscience, and even more, they enjoy it in most cases, as in the above.
Now, it is also possible that a person humiliates himself, that is, of his own free will he lowers himself before another.
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