Definition of Work Absenteeism
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2014
The one of work absenteeism is a practice or action that consists of the custom of an employee or worker to abandon the functions or duties that he performs in a job, or may directly consist of the habit from constantly missing work.
Absenteeism will be considered as such as long as that absence or absence occurs within the stipulated hours or working day and when obviously the worker does not have a justification reasonable, or with the consent of your immediate boss to leave your job or leave your job.
So, as you can see, it is a concept that has a use excluding in the field of work.
Of course, when the worker or employee engages in this practice, he will be failing and breaching the employment contract that he has signed in a timely manner.
The authorized leave of absence, suffering from an illness, should be considered as justified work absenteeism. disease or accident that prevents the person from fulfilling their working hours, meanwhile, they must consider as unjustified absenteeism absence without the corresponding authorization of a
authority or the presence at work but instead of performing their tasks, the employee performs other activities that do not correspond, such as: studying, doing another job, among others.It should be noted that with actions of this type the main losers are the employers and companies that employ employees who have these habits, because of course, the recurrent absence of one or more employees generates many difficulties in the Right functioning of the company and directly undermines its performance.
Instead of dealing with think ideas and ways to maximize the benefits of the company, the same, will have to occupy itself in supplying these absences with replacements, for example, and this will obviously undermine its income and the commercial success that any company pursues.
According to most of the studies that exist in this regard, almost all agree that This action is closely related to the way of being and acting of the worker, that is, if it presents a attitude Carefree and without commitment to obligations, it is very likely that when faced with work she acts that way and tends to be absent without caring.
Issues in Work Absenteeism