Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
We understand by clarification to all that action or act through which it is sought to make something clearer or more understandable. The clarification can be done as advice, suggestion or help while it can also be understood as a warning or prevention on certain situations or issues. The clarification can be done orally or in writing depending on each specific case.
The word clarification comes precisely from verb clarify, the idea of making something clearer or more understandable for the one who receives it as information. The clarification may be a simplification of what has already been said in such a way that the one who receives that information or data may have easier access to its meaning, for example as when clarifying the slogan of a activityschool, it is made simpler so that students can understand it better. In other cases, the clarification can also be a different explanation of the same idea, for example when the same thing is said but in another way or with other words with the aim of giving the
receiver more chances of understanding.The clarification, as said, can take different forms or intentions according to who says it or in what situation such action is carried out. On the one hand, the clarification can be done for educational or collaborative purposes (as when explaining something to someone more clearly) as can also be done for warning purposes, in which case the language it will be another, perhaps harder and formal. In this second In this case, the clarification becomes an idea to be respected or taken into account in a more certain way, unlike what happens with the clarification that is understood as a re-explanation. In any case, whatever the case, clarification always assumes that something that was not understood or taken into account is fully exposed and made explicit.
Issues for Clarification