Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, on Oct. 2008
The attitude is the voluntary disposition of a person towards the existence in general or to a particular aspect of this. Human beings experience diverse life emotions that are far from being motivated by their free choice; On the other hand, the attitude encompasses those psychic phenomena over which man has the use of freedom and which help him to face the various challenges that are presented to him in one way or another.
Those dispositions that help us to cope with the demands of the environment can be included in what is called a positive attitude. The positive attitude of a person originates in making use of those resources that it possesses to solve her problems and difficulties. Indeed, the emphasis of a person with a positive attitude is focused on what they possess instead of dealing with what is lacking. Thus, the positive mental attitude has an influence on mental health by promoting feelings that convey well-being and placidity.
Conversely, negative attitude is an inexhaustible source of disappointment and defeatist feelings
. In general, people when they suffer from depression adopt this type of attitude towards life. Basically a person with a negative attitude focuses his attention on what he lacks and what he needs: health, money, love, etc. As legitimate as these aspirations may be, the truth is that focusing on deficiencies will not lead us to eliminate them, but on the contrary, it can create others.Besides this classification according to how we stand in front of our life and from there what is the attitude we take, also these types of attitudes (negative or positive) can be used to catalog our behavior towards others, all other human beings that we surround. Among the positive attitudes, which will surely strengthen and strengthen our ties with others either in the family, friends, work, school, associations in which we participate, are: solidarity, fellowship, understanding, being proactive, creativity, good humor, among others. On the other hand, those that are related to the negative attitude and that tend to create conflicts and tensions with the Others are: selfishness, envy, jealousy, rancor, lies, greed, pride, indifference, among others that can identify.
Many times, both positive and negative attitudes can be innate to the human being, that is, a person can be by essence solidarity, or on the contrary, jealous. These attitudes, which make up our "way of being" are the ones that can cause us problems with others in our social interactions (especially negative ones). It is very common for couples to separate because one of the two wants the other to change attitudes, for example, jealousy. However, it is very difficult for human beings to have full control of these attitudes that are part of themselves.
Another very different situation is when someone adopts a certain attitude to achieve or achieve some specific objective, and in this sense, the attitude will be part of themselves temporarily. For example, the famous "white lies" that are often told, and despite the fact that it is a lie in any way, they do not seem to be that serious.
It is enormously necessary to pay attention to the attitudes we adopt in the face of the different events that we must experience daily. Insofar as every man orients his life to an increase in his well-being and the achievement of happiness, any use we make of our freedom will tend to bring us closer to or further away from these goals. A correct positive attitude certainly improves the chances of success.
The psychology For example, with its multiple lines of therapeutic approach, it has undoubtedly contributed enormously to the identification of attitudes (negative, in general they are the ones that generate conflicts and are then consulted with professionals) and their possible control. As we said, recognize our daily attitudes, focus on them and try to eliminate the negatives of our life will be an elimination of many conflicts and tensions that can be generated with the other people.
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