Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2011
The term zoonosis designates thedisease or the infection that occurs in animals and that is transmissible to people under natural conditions or vice versa.
Being more specific, the disease that is transmitted from the animal to the human being is the anthropozoonosis while that is transmitted from the person to the animal is the zooanthroponosis.
What is recurrent is that in both situations they are diseases that affect different vertebrates including man of course, while the prevention just as the treatment requires a joint effort between veterinarians, doctors and zoologists.
There are many diseases that we can include within the zoonosis. For example, the yellow fever and dengue are two specific diseases that are transmitted to humans from an insect that acts as a transporter of the virus.
For its part, bird flu, also known as avian influenza is a viral infectious disease that affects birds especially and that later they can transmit to people, pigs, cats, among the various species susceptible to fall under their claws.
Also anger turns out to be a frequent disease within the zoonosis group, which has raccoons, dogs and bats as vectors of its transmission.
Although a little less common than those mentioned above but just as complex if developed, there is the brucellosis, which attacks cows, horses, pigs and sheep.
Meanwhile, the main way of transmission of diseases from animals to people is throughfood, that is, ingesting products made with animal species, especially those mentioned.
For this question is that the safety food will be vital in stopping zoonosis. Two fundamental actors intervene in this situation who must express their full collaboration in order to prevent the spread of zoonoses cases, these are, the consumerOn the one hand, that you must follow certain suggestions when cooking and preparing the food you will eat and, on the other hand, the authorities, who must control very strictly the establishments in which products intended for the consumption human.
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