Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2016
The word adhocracia is formed by the Latin phrase ad hoc, which means that something is made for a specific purpose and, on the other hand, by the suffix cracia, which means government or power. Thus, a literal definition of the term would suppose that the term adhocracy refers to a form of government with a specific purpose. However, this definition does not conform to the true meaning of the term, since adhocracy It has to do not with power or government but with the form of organization in the world business.
Forms of business organization
Every company has a model or structure from which the work activity is organized. Traditionally, companies have been organized from two coordinates: a hierarchical ladder and an organization chart in which the different functions are distributed. This implies that the structure of an entity has a bureaucratic organizational character, in such a way that the bureaucracy is understood as an efficient and rational system. This general model has evolved over time and alternative ways of structuring companies have been configured: organization in
learning, small structural units, the teamwork wave participation in network. A specific way of organizing companies is through adhocracy.Main characteristics in an adhocracy
The main uniqueness of an adhocracy is the absence of vertical hierarchy
This implies that there is no specific division of departments or fixed guidelines for solving problems. In this sense, adhocratic systems are those that adapt to circumstances, that is, something is done for a purpose (as indicated by the ad hoc phrase).
Adhocracy as a business model is opposed to the traditional bureaucratic model. The objective of this strategy it is operational functionality, that is, adaptation to real changes. With this, this organizational vision is intended to give a quick and operational response to any circumstance related to the company. On the other hand, the flexibility of the adhocracy allows a greater innovationas well as a better coordination of the members that make up a company.
The main weakness of the adhocracy
There is no perfect organizational system. In this way, experts in organizations Business people consider that the adhocracy has a weak point: the absence of hierarchy. As the hierarchical structures of a company are not clearly and precisely established, when they occur the inevitable conflicts in an adhocratic model are situations of "power vacuum", since there is a true ambiguity in relation to the idea of command.
Photo: iStock - Danil Melekhin
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