Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2012
The word sonic is commonly used when we want to refer to anything proper to the velocity of the sound or that is related, in some way, to it. But what is sound? Sound is defined as the grouping of waves generated from a vibrating body and in this way, triggers a pressure variation in the medium in which it is immersed. In this way, these mentioned waves can be perceived by the ear. On the other hand, the speed of sound implies the propagation activity of sound waves, which will vary depending on the medium in which it is diffused.
Sound, like any other natural phenomenon that can be perceived by senses of man, owns its own scale graduation, which allows to "measure" this speed with which the waves are propagated. It should be noted that the speed of sound will depend on the characteristics of the medium in which the propagation takes place and not on the characteristics of the wave or the force that generates it.
For this, Alexander Graham Bell he devised the unit of measurement of sound, called “decibels” (its symbol is Db). Within this scale of sound, 0 would be the "sound threshold", characterized by what we call "silence" on a daily basis. At 0 there is no apparent sound activity, or at least, not that can be perceived aurally by the man (and naturally, without the need for any artificial device, such as a hearing aid). Between 100 and 120 dB, the sound begins to bother, because it exceeds the level supported by the human ear. The sounds that overcome this barrier are called "noise": it is what bothers us, what does not seem bearable to us audibly or audibly.
Imagine for example in the classic case (and perhaps the most exponential) when it is said that “an airplane has broken the sound barrier”. In this case, we hear a loud noise, like thunder, and it is precisely because the roar of the aircraft's engines has exceeded the bearable levels of the speed of the sound waves. Another well-known example is when we see that people who attend the takeoff of a space rocket (from NASA, for example) use ear covers while observing the event. Otherwise, they could not bear, aurally, the moment of takeoff.
Sónico is also the name of a small Italian town, belonging to the province of Brescia, in the Lombardy region, and which has a little more than 1,200 inhabitants.
In the age of Internet and new technologies associated with communication and the socialization, the word sonic occupies a relevant place, since that is the name that designates a popular social network Latin American, arisen more precisely in Argentina, and that belongs to the company Fnbox. It is a social network comparable to Facebook, in its structure and in the possibilities that users have: search and add friends, update their profiles, manage your privacy, share videos and photos, chat with users who belong to the same network, organize events, communicate via private messages, comment on publications, among others. however, it has not grown, since its inception in 2007, as has Facebook (which "was born" in 2006). The popularity of the latter is not comparable to that of Sónico. According to the latest measurement, the network has more than 51 million users around the world, with an emphasis on Latin America.
Themes in Sonic