Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
The zoo is a space created artificially by man to keep and exhibit exotic or non-domestic animals that are not common for the habitat urban. The zoo is not, however, only an exhibition place but it is also a space for preservation and reproduction of these animals since experts and scientists from all areas work to recreate natural environments and allow these animals to live in the best conditions of life. This is especially important for those animals that are on the way to extinction and that require human help to increase their population.
The zoo was born as building of the human being in the 18th century with the aim of creating a space artificial that reproduces nature and shows specimens of exotic animals for the enjoyment of visitors. Needless to say, these first establishments were visited and toured by wealthy individuals and the nobility, who built them as proof of their power and luxury. Thus, the zoo was not only a private space with animals but it used to have large parks, fountains and forests where the animals lived freely.
Today the zoo has evolved to become a public space to which anyone who pays the minimum fee can access. Generally, zoos are large areas so that they can accommodate numerous species and types of animals, reproducing their natural spaces and keeping them duly protected some of other Some of the most complex even have spaces directly integrated with nature that allow animals to make a progressive reencounter with life. wild.
Although in the present Most of the zoos in the world contribute to the preservation and reproduction of species kept in captivity, there are many who question their usefulness and effectiveness. Normally, environmentalists or people related to the care of the environment argue that zoos are completely artificial spaces in which animals are imprisoned and locked up with the mere purpose to entertain visitors. Stress, suffering and unaccustomed to the patterns of wildlife are some of the complications that these animals suffer in such a captive situation.
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