Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, on Jun. 2015
Additives refer to additions that are made deliberately to a substance determined. In this way, the term can be used quite broadly, although it certainly has some very specific uses. Indeed, in the field of feeding, additives are elements that are added to a certain preparation with a purpose specific, purpose that in general terms seeks to change some of the conditions of said preparation. It is in this way, as in any processed food, we can observe in the nutritional information that allusion is made to different additives; We will also see, if we compare different from these food, that some of these additives tend to be recurring.
Some common additives
Food today has very particular characteristics, characteristics that were undoubtedly unknown in the past. Indeed, until a few hundred years ago, few foods could delay its consumption; today, instead, we can see that there is a great offer in this sense, a circumstance that has both positive and negative aspects; This process is explained by the addition of different preservatives that achieve that decomposition is delayed much more than normal.
The main additive in this sense is sodium, an element that was already used in the past but which in the present is known in more depth regarding its effects in various food preparations. In this way, it can be seen that the use of additives based on sodium is very frequent.Another very common type of additive when it comes to industry food is the coloring. It is nothing more than a series of pigments that give food a certain chlorination. It is important to say in this regard that they are safe for human consumption, at least in the quantities in which they are usually used. The colorants therefore have no other purpose than to give a certain visual appearance to the food, an aspect that generally tends to be pleasant.
Finally, reference should be made to flavorings, other additives widely used in the food industry.. As its name indicates, its use is intended to generate that the food in question had some kind of particular odor, an odor that of course must be attractive.
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