Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2009
The word scope, as it happens with most of the terms, can refer to several questions, depending on the context or area in which it is used and for this reason we will now review the most common and used by all.
In a first sense the word scope serves to indicate the distance which some of our upper or lower limbs can reach, as appropriate, but also serves to speak, indicate the distance that the action or influence of something or someone in some matter. For example, in the latter case it may be the range that a radio station achieves in a given area or the range that a rocket or a weapon of mass destruction can have.
While, It is also common for the word to be used to account for the importance or the transcendence that holds a certain issue or person. The discovery of a vaccine that could certainly combat the disease of cancer undoubtedly falls into this meaning, since that we are facing a fact that could have a marked scope that would overcome any barrier national.
Also when it is the capacity, the talent or the possibilities that are at stake, the term scope is often used to talk about the situation in which someone is with respect to these, that is, if the person in question is not properly trained to perform a function, a job because the knowledge of it is not enough, it is often said that the job or position they are out of reach.
Also when it comes to an economic issue, for example, of a person who receives a minimum salary, it will generally be said that the acquisition of certain goods considered or classified like luxury.
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