Definition of Distilled Water
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2015
The Water It is made up of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule, so its chemical formulation is H20. In this framework, we observe that distilled water continues to be H20, but it has a particularity: it has been purified through a process chemical, distillation.
The distillation of water makes this liquid stop having a series of inorganic minerals, metals and other products with certain toxicity. In this sense, distilled water is pure water, as it does not incorporate any other element.
The distillation process is relatively simple and consists of boiling the water and recovering the steam that is produced through an alembic, with which the gas is transformed into a liquid, specifically in pure water or distilled.
Controversy over distilled water
Distilled water can be consumed but it is not usual. There are two opposing positions on the advisability of consuming this type of water. Some argue that lacking minerals and electrolytes this has harmful effects on the
Health. The detractors of his consumption argue that it can affect the heart rate, cause an increase in blood pressure and increase the levels of acidity in the body.Despite the criticism that the consumption of distilled water receives, there are those who argue otherwise. In fact, some consider that it has multiple benefits for the body: it eliminates toxins and purifies the body, benefits the liver and kidneys.
One of the controversies about its consumption occurs in relation to bodybuilding. There are bodybuilders who drink it to dehydrate the body before a competition and in this way the body presents an appearance with greater muscular definition. This practice has defenders and detractors and is a good example of the debate existing in relation to distilled water.
Uses of distilled water
To the margin From the controversy related to health, the uses of distilled water are very diverse. First of all, it is used in the automotive industry, specifically in motor vehicle batteries. In some household appliances it is also used, for example in irons or humidifiers.
In hospitals it is used to sterilize utensils or in some injectable medicines. Likewise, it is used in elaboration of some refreshing drinks. In the industrial sector it is used to clean boilers and as a solvent in the food industry. Because of his composition chemical, distilled water is used to reduce the pH of the water in artificial fish tanks.
Photos: iStock - AleksandarGeorgiev / wasja
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