Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Abr. 2010
Dawn is understood to be that moment of the day in which the sun, due to its rising or setting, generates beautiful and striking colors on the sky. Dawn can also be known as aurora or twilight, one of the most important times of the day not only in terms of loveliness and beauty if not also in regard to the notion that a cycle begins or ends once more, notion that has what watch with the cycle of life.
The term alba literally means white or white. This is why this term is used to refer to the time of day when white sunlight illuminates the sky. This coloration of the sky is generated by combining the natural light of the sun with the different layers of the atmosphere and the clouds, establishing a color palette unique and beautifull in the sky. Although there comes a time when the sun is not seen because it is below the horizon, its light is present in the sky. Depending on the time, the place, the position from the sun and other elements, the colors can be between yellow, orange, bluish and violet.
In general, dawn occurs between certain times although the accuracy Numerical man-made schedules do not apply to natural phenomena like this. There are, however, two main types of dawn or dusk that have been categorized by man in order to better understand the phenomenon. One of them is dawn or dusk civil and the other is the nautical dawn or twilight.
While the civil dawn evening It is the moment between when the sun sets and between when it is located 6 ° below the horizon, the nautical evening corresponds to the sunset until 12 ° below the horizon. For its part, the civil dawn morning It is from 6 ° below the horizon until sunrise and the morning nautical dawn corresponds to the moment between when the sun is located 12 ° below the horizon and its final sunrise.
Themes in Alba