Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2015
Man draws from nature to obtain useful compounds. The compounds that exist in nature are called raw materials and those products that are obtained directly from Natural products are known by the denomination of basic products, which are the essential elements of the industry chemistry. Chemical laboratories produce substances that are part of the activity of the home, medicine, industry or farming. One of the best known products within the chemical industry is ammonia, whose chemical abbreviation is NH3.
Ammonia characteristics and uses
Ammonia is a compound inorganic which is synthesized from its elements: nitrogen and hydrogen.
Ammonia a atmospheric pressure It condenses at -32 degrees Celsius, which means that it is a gas that is easy to liquefy, so it can be used as a refrigerant in the industrial sector.
From a chemical point of view, ammonia has the behavior of strong bases, which explains its wide use in various sectors (especially pharmaceutical and industrial).
Most of your production is consumed in the industry related to elaboration of fertilizers, since it favors the optimal growth of the plants (ammonia provides nitrogen to the plants). In this sense, it must be remembered that urea and nitric acid used as fertilizer are obtained from ammonia.
This substance can be found in the production of explosives (such as trinitrotoluene), in plastics, in artificial fibers (for example nylon), in paper pulp and a wide range of compounds chemicals. Therefore, ammonia is one of the inorganic compounds that are most consumed (the most consumed is sulfuric acid).
Ammonia has multiple beneficial uses but it must not be forgotten that it is potentially a polluting and dangerous substance. Thus, if a person breathes this gas, they can suffer respiratory problems, damage to the pulmonary alveoli or burning eyes. Therefore, its use must be subject to a strict protocol in industrial transformation processes. It should be taken into account that this substance can also increase the danger fire, as it is a highly flammable product.
Currently the actions related to the prevention occupational hazards usually include a section where they warn of the dangers associated with ammonia (particularly as an explosive element, as a cause of fires and as threat to health).
Photos: iStock - BraunS / nimis69
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