Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2012
In our general usage of instances of ordinary language, we use the word anomaly to indicate irregularity or abnormality that happens suddenly in what is habitual And then, because it is something out of the ordinary, it will awaken the attention of the observers causing enormous surprise.
That which is abnormal and irregular
We usually apply this sense of the word to events but also to people's behavior.
Thus, for example, we can talk about the anomaly that the mail service presents when a correspondence is not received that, judging by the time, should have already reached its destination; or, failing that, of the anomaly in the way of proceeding of someone we know and that is evidenced by displaying unusual behavior in his person.
We will say that it is abnormal that which in its operation or appearance is not normal or ordinary, it is rare, unusual, and by case it is that a negative consideration is usually attributed to him for this situation of not being normal.
It can be applied to all kinds of things and to people, whereas when it is attributed to an object such as a device, This anomaly will cause it not to function properly and that it must be repaired or directly disposed of because it no longer it serves.
Astronomy: distance from the sun, from a planet to its aphelion
On the other hand, and at the request of the astronomy the anomaly designates that angular distance, observed from the center of the sun, that exists from the concrete or middle place of a planet to its aphelion.
Lack of observance of the norms of a society
Meanwhile, in the social sphere Anomaly is the name given to those irregularities that exist in most communities or societies and that will be determined by those people who do not respect or follow the rules and regulations in force that are what make the society in question work in such a way suitable.
There are individuals who, due to certain circumstances that affect their upbringing or social context, do not respect the norms, on the contrary, constantly contravene them, and this of course will generate a lack of harmony in the coexistence Social.
When someone attacks a rule must be punished according to the law in order to make him understand his mistake, and also to prevent others from repeating this behavior.
Physics: symmetry
Also in the field of physical we find a reference for anomaly, which designates a classical symmetry.
Biology: malformation observed by a living being
And in biology, the word anomaly is used to name that malformation or alteration, whether biological, acquired, or congenital, that an individual suffers from.
One of the most recurrent congenital anomalies among people is Down syndrome and it is caused by a alteration in the number of chromosomes, there is an extra chromosome, or a part of it (chromosomes contain the structure of DNA).
The cells that make up the human body have 46 chromosomes distributed in 23 pairs, one of these pairs will determine the gender of the person, and the other 22 will be numbered from 1 to 22 in relation to size decreasing; individuals with down syndrome have three chromosomes in pair 21 instead of the usual two.
The effects that this has on the person are variable, but the presence of a certain type of disability intellectual and maturation as a first consequence.
It should be noted that the word anomaly is used as a synonym for other concepts and vice versa, such as: irregularity, abnormality, rarity, deviation ....
Although the word, as we have already pointed out, has mostly a negative connotation, in almost all the areas that it is used, there is one, the art, in which a positive consideration is attributed, because in these what is not normal and rare is usually seen as a trend, a innovation, a VanguardObviously when it comes to something creative, which arouses interest and attention in the public and new currents emerge from it.
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