Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2008
Those who do not get hit in moments of doubt or waiting, or do not get nervous when they have to act meticulously and calmly, are people with patience. At the same time, the idea of patience is associated with strength of mind and control of emotions in the face of adverse situations.
Importantly, it is different from passivity in the face of pain; on the contrary, patience keeps calm to find solutions to difficult moments, or at least, to prevent them from being worse.
Human existence brings trials and challenges that negatively affect health, economic stability, affective relationships, etc. Given these circumstances, various responses are presented by the subject; These can be grouped between positive and negative attitudes; The former solve problems, mitigate them or at least avoid making them worse when there is no solution; the latter, on the contrary, add the person to defeatism, to infertile anger that uselessly opposes his fellow men, and to worsening problems. The first way to make the best decisions usually begins with patience..
Patience is also important for the achievement of objectives and the realization of projects. Thus, it is frequent that in order to reach a certain goal, obstacles and problems must be overcome. It is also natural that many plans do not end as they began. In all these circumstances it is important to remain calm to overcome setbacks and continue with what is planned, learning from mistakes and misfortunes.
Certain activities require significant doses of patience
Thanks to technological advances, many of the tasks we carry out are executed almost immediately. With one click we can access all kinds of information without having to get impatient. However, in certain tasks and projects it is absolutely necessary to cultivate patience.
The athlete who wants to obtain good results or the student who assimilates some knowledge cannot get carried away by the temperament impatience and nervousness, because in both cases you must act with perseverance and without rushing to obtain immediate results.
An attitude towards life
Patience understood as self-control is a quality. Who owns it is able to maintain serenity in difficult moments. On the contrary, the impatient individual loses control of his emotions and allows himself to be carried away by them.
The Stoics understood that since it is not possible to control everything that is going to happen to us, it is necessary learn to cultivate the art of patience. Armed with this virtue moral we can stand firm and serene in the face of misfortunes.
From the Christian perspective, patience is the moral virtue that is opposed to the sin of anger. The angry person is not able to control himself and this feature of his personality it can lead to all kinds of undesirable reactions.
To tame anger, it is convenient to practice self-control. We must not forget, on the other hand, that in the Bible the concept of patience is directly related to the idea of hope and faith.
The value of patience in a chaotic world
In the society in which we live today, it is permanent to listen and express messages in relation to this concept, because it is necessary in the face of the incessant waves of obstacles. From a simple procedure, one can easily fall into anger. A exchange of words with a friend or familiar, to which the confusion between despair and frustration are expressed words that are later difficult to withdraw. Stop, think, and seeking calm becomes a tool that helps us to function socially, with others and with ourselves.
Sadly, the world is becoming more and more tense, the struggles are increasing and recurring, and the feeling of patience is put to the test. One must be firm to be able to maintain or at least return to that thread of calm, because in despair no one wins.
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